Fast Track Publication
When research articles are in exceptional clinical importance and urgency, when there is a public policy reason for urgent publication, we offer full online publication within 30 days of submission. Please first, ensure that you have checked our Guideline for preparing research articles.
You should send us the revised manuscript within 48 hours of your receiving our decision. Once the final paper has been edited, you should control and confirm proofs and then contact us by email within 24 hours. If the paper is accepted we aim to publish it within 30 days of its registration.
Exceptions to all the timelines above include the situation where a theme issue is planned for a particular date, when the paper arrives over a public holiday, when you need longer than 48 hours to revise the manuscript, or as otherwise negotiated.
How to apply for fast track Publication?
- You will be contacted within 24 hours
Contact Email: GSM: +905056360699